
I got a golden . . .


NOT the American Idol kind or the pretty little one found in a wonka bar, but a laminated, complete with photo "Performance Permit"

I guess golden tickets have a pattern of making dreams come true. I am now an official street performer and I begin this weekend! Much work to do!

"All I want is to rock your soul"

*Side note: that is the first picture I EVER painted with oil and canvas a few months ago. I painted a beach and now I live near one. The power of mind management! Or complete coincidence, you decide.


Jessica Coody said...

YIPPEEE!!! Best of luck this weekend... I so wish I could see you perform. Can't wait to hear how the first weekend goes!
hugs and kisses!

dance yourself silly said...

YAY! congrats! I am so happy for you. Best of luck!