
You know you live . . .

In the  s*n*o*w  when . . .

- fashion is thrown out the window and all puffy, ugly coats are a go!
- you and your roommates keep a "slip and fall on ice" tally.
- sledding is a competitive sport.
- your eyes are glued to the ground for an entire season.
- you truly understand the concept of frozen snot.
- driving becomes a prerogative of the brave.
- everybody and their dogs are diagnosed with seasonal depression.
- you wake up 45 minutes earlier than any other season to be  p.u.n.c.t.u.a.l.
- p u zz es and candles are kept nigh for any sudden week-long power outages.
- ice scraping must be mastered to prevent frustration.
- snowboarding vs. snow skiing is no laughing matter!
- your desire for a boyfriend grows 10 fold just to keep yourself a leeeetle bit warmer.

looking forward to the snow is all :)

Love love


Andrea said...

I've decided fall is my favorite season. I like it because is a calm ending to a usually wild and go go go fun summer with warm soups, nice breezy days, and a new wardrobe to sport. I also like it because I feel like a squirrel preparing for the winter with fall harvests, apple picking, bread making mastering, thinking about halloween, thanksgiving and christmas. Enjoy the fall preparing for the winter.
Nice post

Sara said...

Ahhh frozen snot and slip and fall in the snow tallys. Classic. Let no one forget who the 2 tied champions of that competition are. I am actually REALLY excited to bust out all my hats...call me crazy. Love that pic.

Linds said...

Jues! I love this post. And I love the fact that you are moving back here. Can we please play when you're here? AND... If you ever are looking for a roommate, just let me know!!