
Utah . . .

I can't even begin to tell you how nervous this post is making me. but here goes nothing.

Utah, we meet again.

You are harsh, unforgiving, and often critical.
You bring back fear, insecurity, and doubt.
You are icy, blazing, and dry as can be.

if I continue to feel so badly about you, my life will be miserable for the next who knows how long??
It's time for Jules to buck up and pick herself off the pitiful ground she so eagerly lays on.


Utah, we meet again.

You are picturesque, mountainous, and full of adventure.
You are artsy, outdoorsy, and playsy???.
You hold family, friends, and many future friends.
You are seasonal, fresh, and abundant
You are my home. old. and again, new.

Jules is moving back to Utah, because Jules has been blessed with the gift of receiving revelation and the courage to act on it.

I am ready, armed, and actually excited to learn the art of snowboarding.

Signing up for psych classes at the "U" and conjuring SLC venues to perform and sell my CDs (when recording is finished in a month)
Sometimes, we think we know exactly what God has in store for us. . . but that usually ends in a big puddle of "whoops, I have no idea which (sometimes million) pathways would be most helpful in my life long journey of returning to my Heavenly Parents."

I've spent the past 9 months in warm sunshine, surrounded by people who have done nothing but lift and build up my emotional and spiritual stability.  I guess I'm ready to go back, head first, into the fire. right where I need to be.  

I'm soooo nervous. I'm getting sooooo excited. It's sooooooo surreal, seeing as I was convinced a couple of months ago that I would never call Utah my home again.

NEVER SAY NEVER. lesson learned.

Wish me luck. lots of it. 


here I come . . .


Jordan said...

Uhhh I know how you feel. I have major anxiety thinking about going back home but it IS home right? There are so many sweet things about Utah you just have to sift through the harshness of it all.

Unknown said...

Jules! Lets be friends when you get here! If you are taking classes at the U, i am right there....I live downtown!! You better be calling me! (801-809-2572)

Nicole Reich said...

Hey jues!!! I am coming out to Utah with the kids for most of the month of November. I would love to get together with you if you have any free time. I will be there from the 1st-21st! Let me know when you would be free to have a "tea party"! I love you jues!!!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I totally understand how you feel about Utah.... I cam from San Diego and it was all a shock! You get use to it &learn to love it.

Unknown said...

what!?!?! i am shocked. But, good luck with your move and mood change back to utah. you'll be fine. it is home after all. I love you to pieces. I want to talk about this... so call me! love you!

Ryan and Jamie Turner said...

Wow! Really? Yay for new opportunities, right? I can't imagine how excited your parents are to have you back in Salt Lake. You're amazing, Julie, for following the promptings of the Spirit. Keep up the good work. :)