
Ouch . . .

*this picture and Maria Mena seem to do it for me today.*

that hurt much Much more than i expected.

I don't know what was worse, the actual (supposed to be happy) news or your obvious uncurdled excitement in your news.

Either way it hit me like a multi-colored brick . . .

We are in 2010, YOU are a man, I am a woman, and our lives will go on (separately) from here.
YOU never knew how I ever felt about you. YOU will find out sooner or later through the damned honesty of song.

In your own words, "SHE is the girl of [your] dreams" And SHE will be the one I hear in the background of your songs from now on . . .

and tears fall as i sing "This is my crazy sad attempt at a beautiful love song."

Loves . . .

1 comment:

ren said...

i love you jules...i'm so sorry you have to hurt. there is someone so incredible for you out there.