
favorite . . .

movie scene EVER.

I didn't go to sleep a few nights ago. I ended up taking my guitar to the park to sing and play at about 2 am. Then decided to go running at about 5 am, after which, I turned this song on my iPod and danced down the street feeling like Joseph Gordon Levitt. Too bad the passing car passengers didn't jump out and join me like Joey. Musical life is but a dream for me.


Randi said...

this is my favorite song, it WILL be my wedding song (the melee version). aaaand i want to live a musical life with you, i will join in your crazy dances any time. ps i may be moving to santa monica in july if i get an internship, and we can REALLY live our musical lives.

Julie Hunter said...

shut up Randi!! That would be the greatest thing ever! Then we could play! I will cross my fingers for you. Santa Monica is beautiful.

katrina said...

i died at that part.
