
5 of the most ridiculous . . .

Moments of my life. Why this flavor of post? I can't remember why the idea popped into my mind, but I thought it would be fun to recall.

1. Freshman year of high school, I heard a guy say "if girls have ugly, yellow teeth, they really should NOT wear lip stuff". I thought he was trying to tell me that I had ugly, yellow teeth and didn't wear lip gloss for like the next year. Why is this ridiculous??? Because my teeth are the exact same in the picture now as they were freshman year. with no whitening, I might add proudly (except for the crest whitening mouthwash and toothpaste). What a waste of a year I could have spent flashing those pearls. Highschool sux!

2. I once had a "mormon fling" with a boy my freshman year of college because for some reason, I couldn't get it past my thick cloud of doubt that I deserved better than him . . . much better! Lesson learned the hard way!

3. Emi con and I once sat at the park for hours waiting to see if my crush would come out of his house or go in, hoping he would miraculously see me across the street so school wasn't the only place we saw each other. I shouldn't have even known where he lived. . . frightening. Then he turned out to be my first and last boyfriend. Not to mention, Emily and I ended up sitting there singing "Don't Know What It Is" by Nancy Hansen over and over again, and we never saw him.

4. After watching Veronica Mars reruns all weekend, I walked into the Post Office and Bank today with my mind running, trying to figure out what every person was doing there, picking up every detail, and even sneaking a look at people's personal information to dig up dirt and save the world. I was completely unaware of this until I was driving back home and realized, it's time to tuck VMars away for a little while. Especially because I've been going crazy trying to find my Logan Echolls. *sigh*

5. When I first saw the Latisse commercial that lengthens your eyelashes, I wanted it immediately. Not because I wanted longer lashes, but because one of the side effects is lightening of the iris pigment. AKA it could turn my eyes blue. How QUICKLY i forget how beautiful my chocolate eyes are.


Sara said...

I love this post. I love the Ingrid song. I love the picture of your eyes. I love you.

ren said...

Your chocolately brown eyes are beautiful!!! I have definitely played the part of 'stalking' a crushes house in high school too...oh the joys.

Jessica Coody said...

Fabulous post, my dear... that smile, and those eyes?! I Die.
You're beautiful!

Esther Cahoon said...

Jules, there have been songs written about "brown eyed girls." Your eyes are gorgeous, along with the rest of you! Love you darling girl! :)