
Not Only. . .

Would I give anything in the world to look like Zooey Deschenel right now, but she has my dream career. Who knew that I would be feeling those same things so quickly??

She's kind of. . . sort of. . . a hero/idol/goddess to me.

Well, ISN'T SHE??


Emily A. Blasik said...

Thank you SO much for your comment on my blog! It was the sweetest! I am so glad that you like my blog, and I am so excited to begin following yours! Happy blogging. :)

P.S. Zooey is just lovely, isn't she?!

Lynn said...

You are WAY cuter and have a MUCH more beautiful voice! Sheesh! She will be wanting to meet YOU someday!

Jessica Coody said...

love, love, LOVE her. :)

Nicole Reich said...

Jues...I LOVE HER TOO! I would give anything to look like her. She has always been one of my faves!!!