
A little big headed now. . .

I'm feeling a little too cool these days if that is even possible (if you know me, you know how cool I think I am already) but the adorable Lilian received an award for her blog and the rules of the award are to pass it on to 15 new blogs that you find noteworthy. Lilian found me via blog world and decided that I deserve to be on her top 15 list. WHAT??? why the crap do people want to read the weird things that I write? It makes no sense. Anyways, Lilian will be in my top 15, I know it may be breaking the rules to pass the award back, but I love her blog and she makes sweet scarfs to give away. Can't get much better than that. Hopefully if I have time. . . sometime this weekend I will be able to pass this beautiful little award on to the deserving new bloggers out there. But for right now, I have a couple of other things I would like to write about.


Jordan said...

jeeze jules you really are fameous!
Sorry it took my so long to get back to your sweetest post in the world. thanks so much for the nice words. I thought about you during saturday morning conference when bednar was talking about LOVE.

Jordan said...

and yes I just realized that I spelled famous wrong...

Lilian Moreira said...

Your blog is way to cool to be out of any list, darling ;)