
Farewell to you. . .

My teenage years have come to a close. . . Happily, I leave them behind. They gave me some incredible memories, that is for sure! By the way, this was by far one of the most fun birthdays I have had in a while. Sure. . . I went to work like a grown up, went speaker shopping, and even bought my own cake, but at the end of the day, when I was surrounded by family and incredible friends while feeding my addiction of ninja destruction, I knew that my life is just where I want it to be :) Happiness indeed! Thank you world for giving me such a great birthday and thank you God for giving me life and the power to choose what I make of it. I have a feeling that I get better with age. . . like a really good cheese. So look out world!! Here I come, full force!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Awww! Happy Birthday! I know you will never let go of that little girl in your heart!