
You'll notice . . .

I have my entire album up for your listening pleasure on the left hand side of the blog. . . 


if you click on the button that says "playlist" below the play/pause button, you can click on any of the 12 songs to play them.  Or just listen to them, shuffled :)

If you enjoy it enough to keep listening sayyyy . . . in your car or iPod, shoot me an email and you can purchase it.

Thank you EVERYONE for the incredible feedback. I literally couldn't have had the patience and will to do this without you.



Caiti said...

I am loving your album!! Kudos!! So if you ever come back out to LA, you must let us know if you are playing any shows or open mics!

ren said...

Jules! I looove it!!! You are SO amazing!! Your lyrics, your voice, your music- it's perfect. How do I buy a CD? How much are they? I would love to get one! I'm so so happy for you!! I hope all your dreams come true :)

Lauren Parker said...

julie i know this is really random but i stumbled across your blog and literally fell in love with you and your amazing cd! seriously i listened to it all day and i am so impressed. you have some talent girl! so next thing is- how do i get a copy of your cd? i woulllld love to purchase one :)
keep up all the amazing good work!!