
To all those wondering. . .

This is what I eat on a daily basis since I've switched over to a Vegan lifestyle.  It's NOT a big deal so please don't try to make it a big deal.  I've never felt this good and full of vitality.  When people find out that I'm a Vegan, (I have probably told 2 people, everyone else thinks it's a secret to spread) the question they ask is along these
 lines. . .  "What do you eat, give me like your days worth of food. Breakfast, lunch and dinner."

It's kind of an annoying question so I will now refer those who wonder to said blog post.  

-Rice Milk (tastes like CANDY)
-Fruit, fruit, fruit, more fruit
*weirded out yet?? didn't think so!

Lunch & Dinner: (since I obviously don't eat the same things every day, I will give you a list of the meals I eat, you crazies)
-RICE (my new bf, and by bf I mean boyfriend)
-Dishes from the following restaurants:
-Honey seared dish from Pei Wei with tofu and veggies (best tofu EVER)
-Bangkok Curry dish from Noodles & Co.  with tofu.  (one of the best dishes I've ever had!)
-Footlong veggie on wheat, can you guess where from??
-Avocado and bean tostada from La Puente (
hold the cheese!)
-Veggie tacos from Red Butte Cafe
-Cheeseless veggie pizza from Little Caesar's
-As you can see, there are MANY options for eating out, and I've found the BEST dishes through veganism!
-Avocado on everything
-Salads with mounds of veggies and olive oil and balsamic vinegar
-Bean burritos
-Veggie wraps
-ANYTHING with cooked, steamed, or raw veggies.
-I'm learning how horrid I am at cooking because everytime I try something adventurous, I end up throwing it away and opening a jar of spaghetti sauce so have patience with me I'm learning.

Snacks and Desserts:
-swedish fish :)
-chocolate soy ice cream (SOO good!)
-fruits and veggies
-more rice
-any candy without dairy
-tortilla chips and salsa

Seriously guys. . . i'm OKAY.  I'm still eating (I know it's hard to believe that there is cheeseless, milkless food out there).  But I really am so thrilled with veganism.  almost 4 weeks strong and it is still as easy as day 1.

Want to know WHY I am now a vegan?
Read THIS book and find out for yourself.

I'm proud to say. . .

That today, I feel beautiful.  Happy summer sun to you all!


The battle between two inner me(s)

Once I know that I'm not quite as superhuman as I think I am, the realization can sink in that I need love:

I need it and I've needed it my whole life. Why do I look down with such sadness upon those who need love? "They are too dependent, needy, and obnoxious!" But I'm not. I'm self-reliant, independent, and rather agreeable. "Talents, friends, fun, success, the gospel, family, and work are enough." I thought so but I'm just not quite sure anymore. "I don't know why I'm even discussing this, I won't need love. I can give it to all without spreading it thinly and don't expect any in return." But sometimes I just wish I could have it at my fingertips to help ease the emotional pain of life. "Am I absurd? Remember what Christ has done for me? That is love that is available ALWAYS." I can't deny that it's there all the time but is it really that bad to long for love outside of Christ's giving? "Yes! Christ didn't expect the love of humans in return, so why should I?" I can't be as perfect as Christ is, I can only try. "But this is part of learning and progressing in the gospel. I have been blessed with the ability to love freely, I know I see others who rely heavily on love from people but I can be different." No, I can't. I long to be loved and it has caused me too much pain to deny it any further. I can still be independent and sane but need love! I know I can't expect it from everyone and I don't, but I can still feel the heartache and the sadness when it's not given. "I will never fully agree with this!" I will! I just need to allow myself the ability to feel what a human would feel without guilt on my conscience. It will lift me up in more ways than I know. "I can't decide, only YOU can, but I know that I don't need it." And therein lays my answer. I finally realize that you aren't me and I not you.

Sorry for the insane, random ramble. . . sometimes you just have to get it out!

New Music Tuesday:

That's right!  Tuesdays are now dedicated to new music and new music only.  (inspired by iTunes)
Artist of the week is. . . . . drumroll please! 

Beautiful woman with beautiful talent.  It's moments like these where doubt creeps in about my own musical abilities.  With lyrics like "Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park, I asked God who I'm supposed to be." She's a complete GEM!  

You can purchase her music on iTunes
Visit her incredible website HERE 

And read this amazing piece of her bio (sound like anyone you know? If only I had a teacher who did this)

"Ahn had considered pursuing music in college, but a teacher who oversaw her audition at a state school offered her insights perhaps even more valuable than further study. As Ahn recalls, “The music professor there really got me. He knew that I played guitar and wrote songs and called me up at home and said, ‘Maybe you should think about not going to school right now and pursuing songwriting as a career. After school, your whole life might be so different and you may not have that opportunity again.’ I really thought about it and finally took his advice. And it changed my life.”


Ms. Towers,

Could you please oh please recreate this dress for me.  I would be willing to pay a price. . . someday.  For now, it shall remain in my dreams.

Sincerely, Jules


Why. . .

Do I feel like I'm at least 35 years old when I come home from work everyday?

My job is fantastic, I LOVE IT! I have a lot of responsibility and feel accountable for many people, It makes me feel too old and mature sometimes.
I listen to other 19+ year old girls ramble about celeb gossip and teen vogue. . . and it bores me to the core.

I go to therapy twice a month and watch my angel therapist's eyes dance around as she searches for a reason for my (more than likely) over analyzed, insane, out of this world, complex thoughts. She explains to me almost every time I see her how she can't believe that I am only 19.

I just got back from Girls camp and I was the leader this time!
I eat as if I were going to be diagnosed with cancer or have a heart attack tomorrow.  All thanks to THIS book.

I love hanging out with 35 year olds. . . not in a creepy way.

I read Self-help books all too often. . . 

I'm starting to watch Fox 13 news Governmental updates too much and find myself feeling passionate about it.

I went to bed at 7:30 last night!! Then woke up at 5:00 this morning.

But Hey! I can't complain. . . I really LOVE my life!



So In the midst of a creative blunder this morning, I created this little beaut.  I'm quite excited about it and getting extremely stoked to release my first album!!  My life is fantastic.