
Latest of baby Charmander

 Charlotte posed for her first official photo shoot, courtesy of Samantha Kelly Photography.  Sam is extremely talented!  We are nuts about this 3 month old.  She squawks like a pterodactyl these days and it seems to sound less and less cute every time but I can't help being totally crazy about Charlotte.    


 This is my favorite.  She perches a lot.  Especially when she wakes up.  There is something so hilarious about her perching habits. 

 She has the longest baby torso known to mankind.  Look at it!  This is a Hunter trait, all the way. 
 Her daddy is all torso.

 Sneaky little smile...

 Ryan calls this her Abercrombie shot.

 Super awesome vintage blanket provided by Heather Edwards. 


Meg and Shea said...

Oh Charmander come to me! This is the 3rd time I have looked at these pictures since taking to you. I cannot wait to meet her, I just can't. Ugh and that picture with the smile is sooo jerry! It makes me wonder what her personality is going to be like.

ayley said...

jules! i need to spend some time with you and this baby!!

Esther Cahoon said...

She is so ADORABLE, Julie & Ryan! So happy for you both!