
Jamie Oliver . . .

and his "Food Revolution"

I love this guy. so so much. for leaving his beautiful country to come help ours be a better place.
He's a hero of mine.

So you know I rarely watch television, but I LOVE watching "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" on hulu.  He is a health rockstar advocating nutritious school lunches.  Essentially, he wants to change America's eating habits by educating kids and teens.  I highly suggest you click the link and watch the first 2 episodes of this season.  You will be shocked at the lack of safety and health provided for our children in schools.  Also, go HERE and sign his petition.  Lets make Utah a "red" state, if you will, and support Jamie's endless efforts.

So far, only 673,833 people have signed this petition (Utah providing a measly 5,700) and I say only because let's be honest, he should be getting a lot more support.

Hooray for good people doing good things and helping us retain our freedom!

For pete's sake, last season, he was in a classroom and the children couldn't identify what a tomato was!!! 


Luda said...

I LOVE JAMIE and his food revolution. so glad you share my obsession.

katrina said...

JULES! kellis bachelorette party is on june second! plan on it. and email me your address for an invite.
