
The Joy In My Life

Is insane right now.... Did I have my first show on Saturday night? Yes I did! Was it in a yogurt shop in Provo? Yes it was! Were there 25-30 people there tops? Why yes!! Sound lame? Probably! But I can't even tell you how much fun that night was to me! It was pure bliss! Singing at the top of my lungs the songs that are in my heart as well as those that have inspired me. I can't imagine a better feeling, yet it was at some lamo yogurt shop with a small crowd! How does that happen? you might ask... I'll tell you why.

I've had this vision growing in my mind for quite some time. It's been watered and given lots of sunshine and FINALLY it's sprouted.... Just barely, but it's there giving me proof that it will continue to grow. As I see this baby sprout, I am reminded why I even began to water it in the first place. This show I had was my first step towards reaching every far off and unimaginable dream that I have floating around in my head. Can you imagine a better feeling?? I don't think so!!



How warm it is outside these days! It's still March and I feel like we completely got to skip over winter in Salt Lake. I enjoy waking up to snow covered trees and big flakes falling outside my window, but I can't stand it when I walk outside. I live for the warmth! Go outside and do something today on March 14th!  It's supposed to be freezing!  ENJOY IT!


"Snails See The Benefits"

Isn't it true?  Those lucky suckers, they get to view everything, every inch and they HAVE to move that slowly, they don't have a choice!  Sometimes I wish that the entire world could be paused, just for a day at a time so that I can truly be a snail and take in EVERY moment of my life.  For example.  My drive to work is amazing! I love it!  It's 25-30 minutes of Music blasting, head bopping, crazy dancing, lipsynching fun.  I receive all kinds of responses from my fellow drivers! Everything from "Get out of here, why are you so happy at 6:30 in the morning?" to "Woah, I wouldn't be caught dead pulling a move like that alone."  to "Man, I wish I enjoyed life like that!!"  and even an ocassional "Rock on girl! You're freaking awesome."  I can't think of anything that I would do differently in that situation.  I HAVE to rock out to my music to make waking up at the crack of dawn to work for 9 hours enjoyable!  That is one of my proud snail moments.  I pledge from here on to try my best to take on those snail-like qualities and enjoy the time that I have in life.