Charlotte posed for her first official photo shoot, courtesy of Samantha Kelly Photography. Sam is extremely talented! We are nuts about this 3 month old. She squawks like a pterodactyl these days and it seems to sound less and less cute every time but I can't help being totally crazy about Charlotte.
This is my favorite. She perches a lot. Especially when she wakes up. There is something so hilarious about her perching habits.
She has the longest baby torso known to mankind. Look at it! This is a Hunter trait, all the way.
Her daddy is all torso.
Sneaky little smile...
Ryan calls this her Abercrombie shot.
Super awesome vintage blanket provided by Heather Edwards.
"Now I don't like to be very sentimental if I don't have to be - oh but I think that I just may have glued my hand to yours if you had asked me."
- Andrew Belle "Don't Blame Yourself"
This quote is very applicable. In fact, I think of it so so often when I think of Ryan.
He will probably be embarrassed by this post and I'm not one to publicly declare often how attracted I am to him, but right now, I just don't care.
When we were walking along the super crowded beach in Carpinteria, CA during our marathon honeymoon, Ryan kissed me (not lightly) in front of what seemed like a bajillion beach goers. I was so shy about it. I think I may have appeared rejecting even. Which is awful, because truly, secretly, I thought it was so romantic and it made my whimsical heart skip a beat.
When Charlotte was born - one of the things I will remember the most was the time I had with Ryan to soak it all in and realize we were more than just me and him. He was so awesome. Because I was suffering so much blood loss and on weird medications and utterly exhausted, the night that Charlotte was born, I broke down in my hospital recovery bed. All visitors had left. All staff was gone. Charlotte was in the nursery until her next sign of hunger. I felt so strange, such a mix of emotions, and so overly tired and wound up that I couldn't sleep. Ryan nudged his way into the bed next to me and held me. He told me how wonderful I was. He spoke of how kind I was to all of the hospital staff. He assured me of his unwavering love. He was so proud of me. I needed every word he offered in that moment. So encouraging, so calming. It is one of my favorite memories with him to date. I really do not only love him, but like him so much. I wish I could spend even more time with him and talk to him and dream with him and kiss him. He has given me a wonderful year of marriage and it just keeps getting better. I am so grateful.
"I think that I just may have glued my hand to yours if you had asked me."
"Just shake because you love cry because you care feel 'cause you're alive sleep because you're tired shake because you love bleed 'cause you got hurt die because you lived"
-Elisa (Heaven Out of Hell)
"I know the distance is a factor but I stretch as often as I can. My goal's to reach your hand any day now."
-Maria Mena (Miss You Love)
"You're ruining me with secrets and gestures and looks, with sonnets and secondhand books, Playing the chords in me nobody knew how to play. you sing me to sleep, talk down my walls, look through my windows as i wait."